Monday 12 June 2017

college was tooo much for me. It sucked my life so bad.I'm really sad how I'm treated in the real world I mean I don't think it's right.I quit that college because how I'm treated nasty.I really don't text
anyone back.I know I really have to cope with it but I'm trying to be polite. But  really I'm not happy at that college.Specially if the lecturers are way underestimating me. And I noticed a lot of that.Maybe I just don't belong there anymore , no matter how much people that I helped at the community college. I risked my emotions there.But let's face it college gives you less sleep.And less energy.My face turned pale. It really made my life sad worse.I tried finishing my work. But I guess
I  frogot about it , because my work was unaccomplished. But seeing all the things I've been through
It's just the first semester. I'm not saying college is a bad place .I have time issues even friend issues
and seems like I have to accept it.I see other people smile and joke around , I just don't think I'm part of that anymore.

I just feel that I'm not that special. I was nervous about orientation. It scared the heck out of me.It was just like the dreams when I always in that moment where things just risk at a small amount of time.After only about 1/2 of months which is now I just stopped college. Of course I'm still friendly
But I just think I deserve better.People get angry even cry for better place. I will still sign up for college again , and I tried sharing my thought's with everyone. It really helped me a lot. But after what i saw and risked I should be more effortless.I did not know that all those things were planned
Next , time I should give more time and energy .Well only 30% on the lecturer.The other 70%  I should actually look at the work that I'm suppose to be doing.I was not ready.It would be better if  I knew all of that. So next time I mean I should not participate in any events. If I studied at home everything would be finished
But because college risk time , emotion and agility I had no hope there . The fact is that college only teaches you a small amount of things that the whole world knows.I just make lot's of mistakes.

Now , that I'm no longer In college I would like to think more about important things like my health
I really took advice from people. I want to spend more time offline. I actually belief that I'm not good enough. Now that I wont able to participate there anymore. I just want  to say it's just the first semester I mean I've been there for only a week.The truth is that I'm just not good enough there.I don't want to participate in any event's if I could finish everything.Most of what i learned really bugged me off.Like in 32 people in the class room there is always  2 people who always underestimate me. The only thing I got was being sad.

Through communication  I mean there are annoying things that I should stop thinking of like. Through app's the groups make you worry way too much.It would be better if I did not even download it. I mean there would be always someone complaining.But thing is mobile internet communication isn't really that important.I mean that made me really stressed out . I know people want to know about my progress . But really you can't blame me for everything.I'm just a human like everyone elss. It only helped a little in my  group.

But other than that some people just need full attention. I'm not one of those person. I can't respond a little of it,
I want to help.But people need to understand to respect each other.  Friend's aren't really the place to give all your thoughts away on the phone. I rather like to speak to people and give notes that are much important to me thank you .But by group It helped worked in groups a lot.Because its not the same information. So if  I want to know It's better to have a second number for  only important messages the other people I do not really respond . If  there is like group works. I really depend on whatsapp
I really need to know why whatsapp is sooo important It did not really help me as much . But I did help a lot of people even from the start. I mean  I helped a lot of people. But after all the event's that I had I really became more sad depressing and my critical low energy. The problem with me is that I have low energy. I'm trying to be more polite.But for my health I really need to skip few classes Because I need to finish more work .I should even skip events.Because I want to think about my work. College doesn't have to be North Korea everyday,But you do really need whatsapp for my dad to come and pick me up.But I really don't want to use it. I'm really happy I helped a lot of people.Instead of myself being more I dont know . I have high problems on time.Maybe I should see my lecturer to finish a little work .That's a better way I think.That way you wont have to feel guilty.

Ok now I need to say or elaborate my personal issue's. The first thing that come's in mind that is I'm to shy. I mean I don't like it when people tell me what I cant do. So I really stick to others main objective.Which is good thing. I do like being in groups.It's just a certain things I'm not compatible with people. I tend to ignore it .But actually It's really important.Friend's are really important.I don't like asking there for if i don't ask I just ignore the whole idea. I'm not trying to be rude to not reply.But you have to understand that I'm trying to have a little time to solve everything . I need to keep in mind that  I have a lot of other choices. It's more ok to just froget it all.Whatsapp only helps a little. It's better to be without it you know.Dealing with a number of group intentions will make you more depressing. But the good thing is that I finish loads of work. You need everything arranged an correct order. So  I should not risk whole of my thoughts on other agenda's.People aren't shocked if I stop college , maybe only a few. But I already made my own decision.

I'm going to order everything I need . I should even buy  a printer you know.I do really need it !!!

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Things I could never accomplished

      I wish i weighed less.                           I wish i finished college earlier.                                                   ...