Thursday 5 September 2019

why i hate my life

Everyone who is reading this . Everyone seems to hate me. Even I hate myself. Anyway the reason why I am making this is because I Do Not want to Vlog anymore. I noticed I keep attracting haters. I really do not like my family anymore. Why do they always tell me whats right. I think I actually lost my freedom. It's like I want to go far far far away from here. I find it hard to realise that everyone in my family is selfish. Why am I the one who is ignored. OMG
 someone joined me it is Benny!

People be like memes

More of making my life better
2.Milo drink
sweet Nona is here too

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Things I could never accomplished

      I wish i weighed less.                           I wish i finished college earlier.                                                   ...