Tuesday 24 January 2017


  • I wished I just have a better experience ok so heres what basically how i met this "habbo'
  • Ok So first off at 2015 I was looking for hobo coins because at that time it was hard to get so
  • you have to go play some games my main experience was it was hard to even get 4c i mean seriously
  • just for furniture but now hobo has been more friendly with furniture.So i got random free furniture
  • at some rooms some of them who are quitting hobo.Its my fault i guess after meeting so its not about the furni or money its like 2hours of life squeezed in this and you have this life where you can be friends without going there just type besides its more safer to type that way you could keep yourself\
  • annoymous.So i was attracted by 1c giveaway i mean well i really wanted coins but now that
  • i dont search for coins fake coins to be exact on hobo. Well there were alot of hobo lining up for coins
  • but i dont think anyone got it. So that's how i really met him so he added me on friendlist.From there
  • we didnt chat as much but at that time i only started hobo.So just in mind that there wasnt much detail i could remeber of this.
  •          So This is my habbo lifeokay so this is why my life is gone downhill I feel                like quitting  cuz im not that special
  • to them anymore 

  •                                           OK MAYBE I WENT LITTLE CRAZY FOLLOWING HIM
  • Yes I know you it's a place to make friends so people think they could find a relationship there
  • which is pretty annoying its like It just hurts being used and next time you know they wont
  • care as you much anymore

  • I really care about my life and friends.I know people want to find relationship but seriously this is isnt the place I think the only thing I got was myself getting sad. Sure its fun being friends with
  • new people but seems we are'nt anything to them anymore. Everything is replaced with just 
  • basic hate and most of the time for me on hobo is partly only being sad. There's a point where you
  • have a good experience but than its just nothing I mean its like basically nothing .They don't really
  • want to know about it and its like things are just trash even when they hide their own thoughts
  • I can't face up to the facts anymore he is just jealous I mean why is he like this not only he lied
  • about the 1coin giveaway but maybe he did gave it . But he's a basic destroyer he comes to my life to squeeze in some time too just make himself into a jerk.This is the original him he uses people to be part of his relationship for only his greed .He used to be different but seems i've never situated this close of him the steam for his mouth.I felt like a dragon cooked in balacava
  • volcano and i used very harsh words.Im tired of it now. Feel's its for the better he's gone.Now that he raged on my new friend.The reason why he is mad and angry is because he actually cares but the way he shows it is full with assumption trying to make me look tincy like a bacteria.Now he asked me well this guy that what was our first conversation. To be real there was'nt an actual real conversation. It was him that tryed to talk about these controversial topics that try to make me look like an idiot. Now at this time he 's perfectly not accomplished as what he is.There's too much negativity with him I mean I think only his own friends understand .I felt so angry depressed for several times. But I know allah is testing my faith based on if i truely belive and dont get neglected or be lied. This test made me full emotion. But this is what faith i have built against. Im not trying to hate. It's just that I'm not made for you im obsolete imbecile of you that cant provide you an anwser.But still why do you hate me . I've done nothing to you .What did i do. It was you who decided to keep . But I dont think I would agree.Just to think I GET TRICKED no NOT ANYMORE SPICE.SORRY TO SAY..

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Things I could never accomplished

      I wish i weighed less.                           I wish i finished college earlier.                                                   ...