Thursday 29 December 2016

so hello this maybe the last of december and so i want to change this past start with being a more nicer person and be less violent than before

Tuesday 27 December 2016


number bases

Monday 26 December 2016

omg sakit hati bila nak online pun tak jadi sedih.and so adalah tak nak cakap becoz mengarut je layan ...

Sunday 25 December 2016

Ok so i have 6 moredays to spend this holiday, I mean that's alot of days I mean its not everyday we get to spend with the whole family. So what i really want to say is that I should be a better person from today, I mean maybe i've been very rude.But now, I know if there is a argument just keep it in mind and make hypothesis because my life is so unarranged and my spelling is very bad.

Saya nak fokus sangat matematik dan kolej , subjek yang lain seperti Bm , susah nak jadi bertambah baik . So im going to update and try my best this time

Saturday 24 December 2016

kita ada 7 hari untuk menghabiskan cuti sekolah . That means this is me lol im having vert hard time. Lets get full with this time. SATAN CLAUSE SATAN CLAUSE NINNY
ok kali ini kakyah tak boleh tak tulis benda penting macam no kad pengenalan
I have so much time to think of this mengarutness,
1. Jangan lupa password
2Jangan lupa tulis no pin
3.Butiran yang lain kena salin
4.Yuran lagi kena ingat bayar
6.Ok tu jer takde dah yang penting

Tuesday 20 December 2016
1.soalan 1 selalunya significant figures krts 1
2standard form soalan 2-4
3factorisation soalan 5
so latihan online boleh google search jer setakat ini ok la :)thanks so much sekarang ni ada la progress semalam sekali try dpt la 2/5 3 salah
tapi hari ni alhamdulilah 5/5 semua atas blog yang membantu soalan 1-5
tapi nak latihan lagi ok kenalah cari online :)
so aku baru jer study matematic, susah la erm sebab buku spm tak bawak aalaaa geram la baru buat 5 soalan 2 je yang betul. so lain kali aku kena bawak buku mathematics yang berat tu la sooo susah . ok antara bab yang aku fokus ialah
banyak bab aku tak faham rasa stress la ;(((

Sunday 18 December 2016

Hi again blog, :D
Kolej Komuniti Selayang, Bentong, Pahang. pada hari itu saya sudah pergi ke situ untuk mendaftar .Tapi kena bawa salinan slip peperiksaan SPM.Lepas tu kena bawa kad pengenalan. I'm having trouble on my grades on mathematics, Sebenarnya E tu gred lulus Jadi , Bahasa Melayu  lulus :DD, and Geography those are the grades i failed
I got G's in those subjects. I really need help so, if i retest i would get better grades.So in conclusion i only failed 2 subjects in SPM , MATH AND GEO...

Antara sebab gagal /gred tidak bertambah baik
1 Cara pembelajaran kurang efektif
2 Harus diperoleh cara pembaharuan pembelajaran
3 Tidak belajar secara betul
4 Organisasi masa tidak tersusun

Antara sebab lain aku ialah bangun lewat dan tidur lewat
I'm having a hard time adapting to this , But i took spm on 2012 . and im not in college yet. I'm also having hard time being friends. Next time, I will focus on
myself and i wont neglect myself.I will make my own time for studying so I wont waste time.

Saturday 10 December 2016

Macam mana nak kurus ni gemuk la haa. Kalau makan pun hmm alamaks dah tak berapa lapar pas tu makan banyak banyak. Terutamanya ada kek oma gash kenyang, hari ini ada tetamu.what why am i sooo gemuk. Yes can't wait for college yay !!! been so long tooo .,Kolej Menjahit dekat selayang. Ok LEPAS TU aku kena ingat pay day kat habbo hari sabtu. Tapi points aku setakat ni baru 10 points so esok aku nak dapatkan 10 points lagi, Ok senang jer . Pening jugak main habbo lama-lama tak pernah aku collect sampai seratus. 10 POINTS dlm satu hari tu kira-kira 7 jam nak dapatkan 10 points.Tambah ramai orang lagi..But tak rugi sebab aku ada banyak masa dan aku takkan berikan alasan 

Friday 9 December 2016

Good morning blog!So I have no idea whatsoever here.Its 9.48am here now and the minute has gone by.Im thinking on saving money now hmm. It seems kind of hard getting an effort to get a job.Im not even a student yet, so i need help.Maybe New laptops are out of my range of money because I don't have the money yet.
But there was a laptop called WMP yes RM659 something , I need to save my pictures somewhere , since i'm using my dad's laptop.
Ever thinked of rainbow cupcakes , or yummy burgers . Well that's how life of pegaffy cray cray as allways. My mind is all about food , The other thing i like to talk about is that I love , fashion ! OmG.So what you guys want me to post more
comment down below!!
Pening tengok laptop lama-lama. Korang pernah sakit hati tak . Bestnya tulis blog.BOLEHLA cerita apa-apa yang tengah fikirkan.Tapi hmm, macam ada satu yang kurang la .. sooo

Dizzy looking at laptop 4 so long. Have you guys ever felt feeling's hurt.It's so fun writting blogs!You can story tell everting that's on your mind!But something's missing .sooo
ahaahhahahah Hari ini Tony nyanyuk , so  dia dekat penjara habbo hhahahhahah
what is wrong with him? ENTAH....Tapi kesian dia hehehehhee. Buang sakit hati boleh la main game baru best^-^...NANTI AKU HANTAR GAMBAR HABBO!\

hhahhaahha today tony is cray2 , so he's now in habbo prison hahhahhaha
WHATS WRONG WITH HIM . I DONT KNOW .but i feel sorry 4 him
So yeah ini kali pertama aku nak cerita merepek keh keh keh. So bosan lah.Aku asyik fikir pasal laptop dell inspiron lama aku .Geram sangat bila tak boleh tulis dekat blogger geram geram geram. Tapi aku sabar , ini pun aku pinjam laptop abah, . Sekarang ini tak busy pun , tapi still learning buat karangan . Dah 1 bulan tengah tulis karangan vandelisme. Susah lah nak dapat duit lah , but nak buat macam mana kan?

Saturday 3 December 2016

This week i've been going travelling in my own mind. Seems that i'm so bored I thought my laptop has virus. So I quitting instagram forever since I have a camera Nikon P100 .I'm out going on designing my own doll clothes.Maybe it's better to quit this social life.I have been making alot of vidoes too.So im planning on creating new fashion on cheapy dolls !I missed my sewing machine , next time when im going on vacation I should of brought my sewing kit . When I was at village I used my old grandmother's sewing machine. It took me 2 days to learn sewing on that thing. It interest me that we have to use the old sewing machine like a see-saw how you spell it?

 This was the app fashionista , I know shes not cheap Im thinking of a modest version for her

 R.I.P old glasses lol's..and i guess 2016 is ending

 You can't run out of ideas, when you are jobless and not studying so staying at home is better

I'm hoping for college now , I'm scared that i would get bullied or something in college back when I
was in college 2k12 but now leaving the nest ,

Things I could never accomplished

      I wish i weighed less.                           I wish i finished college earlier.                                                   ...