Monday 30 September 2019

Things change way too fast

When things are not mainstream anymore. things were probably better back then and we wish we want that time back. I feel like social media is just a waste of time . Because I can not relate to other peoples achievements , In other words I am actually a looser. I feel more happier that I am far away from people who care too much. I feel more free as ever. But you know it's probably the same thing everyday. I want to do soo many things . Like organizing my trash, I feel like its very life changing. I am also staying away from friends. It is just because I have better things to do. I want to watch my seeds grow. I want to learn new things.Go offline stop caring about what others think . No more complaining just do . I am going to fill more things in life. I also want to keep recycling . Plant my own vegatables.

Anyway while people are being happy , You know . Does life become better, will i ever go back to college seems impossible. I need to move on . Because I have no choices. I dreamed I had too many long dreams, One time I painted the sea, I dreamed i drowned in my own painting. I no longer use instagram because I feel my privacy is long gone. I DO NOT want it anymore. I want to be free. I maybe a bad influence. But I have cried silently long enough , and my body craves attention and health. I do not need what others think. This is just same thing as playing dolls. I know people do not like it , But  I am much more happier alone.Music is ok . i actually have everything maybe I just have to leave forever. Because what if someone needs the things that they do not have . I feel non-existent

Why do people want to care too much anyway. Because as far as i know we do not need your opinion. I feel like i do not need soo much apps in my phone , Because phones are actually for emergency and receiving calls from family and the other important things.But Phones are actually garbage.I dont take pictures as much anymore , Because its not really important,Why do people even care what I am doing , Nosy people just really got to stay out of this.

Thursday 5 September 2019

why i hate my life

Everyone who is reading this . Everyone seems to hate me. Even I hate myself. Anyway the reason why I am making this is because I Do Not want to Vlog anymore. I noticed I keep attracting haters. I really do not like my family anymore. Why do they always tell me whats right. I think I actually lost my freedom. It's like I want to go far far far away from here. I find it hard to realise that everyone in my family is selfish. Why am I the one who is ignored. OMG
 someone joined me it is Benny!

People be like memes

More of making my life better
2.Milo drink
sweet Nona is here too

Things I could never accomplished

      I wish i weighed less.                           I wish i finished college earlier.                                                   ...