Saturday 1 July 2017

Things I want off my chest and brain

It looks like i'm living the sad life.I really am sad.I keep on avoiding social media.I stopped college.I do not not know any idea why I live in sadness.I only went offline for a week. It's not like . I just don't know i feel really misrable. I hunger for potatoes and pizza.

Now that, im not in college I can do whatever I want.I really stopped opening every single social media.I go for some chat's on hobbo .But it seems that there's nothing much interesting. The chats seem boring.Hipster outfits seem to be more mainstream .I really do not like it anymore. Its getting annoying just like Anime. But whatever I've done to my life. Well nothing much seems that I just want a slice of a sandwhich.My spelling is kinda bad.

I tried vlogging one day than I completely quitted it . Ugh. It's just not going the right way. Im not even going to cook. Its really annoying waking everyday to be told what to do.I really hate it.I even tried cleaning the house.Im really angry about it. I really hate my life right now.I do not want to do the chores.It's like I do not even have real friends. You know even if they were they would be boring.

I really have a lot of things that I hate.I just do not know , where to start.I mean you reading this right now reading that i am complaining making myself to get over it.I really hate it. I mean the college the lecturers.I only want to be alone now.It's best I do absolutely nothing. I'll tell myself when I' am ready.

Things I could never accomplished

      I wish i weighed less.                           I wish i finished college earlier.                                                   ...