Friday 13 January 2023

Things I could never accomplished

     I wish i weighed less. 

                    I wish i finished college earlier.

                                                         I wish I could actually talk to a man that i could really understand.

                                       I wish that I was not bullied in highschool

        I wish I healed earlier

                       I wish I felt better back then.

               I wish i had more support


Tuesday 25 January 2022

never sleeping at night anymore

Hi again welcome again if you are reading this...
I do not want to sleep at night anymore because i feel like there is an empty gap in mind
it is like there is something always missing . I am not lucky. But I do not know what to do anymore because I am crazy.

So anyway I still am lurking , dude life sucks but why do people keep being mean at me for no reason though. I forgot to change my profile picture . I think i will be posting more on my blogspot . I need to update my style. I relied alot on makeup lol. 😁. Hey anyway i think i want to loose more weight . People are so mean sometimes I really dont get why.Anyway people are being so rude to me . I really need to finish my intern book maybe i should do some coding too . I am so bored . I need to loose my weight you know i wonder if people still read my blogspot. 

Listen , I attracted alot of haters and I am starting to think that i need to express myself more with fashion . Work from seems weird though . I am scared if someone from college would read my blogspot , i want to keep this a secret with my friends. Maybe i could update on what im growing 🥬. I have been growing alot of stuff.

I CLOSE my eyes AND SEIZE IT ~ death grips

Tuesday 19 May 2020

early birds

The early birds are chirping. I can not stop thinking about going to sleep , I have been ded ash

Monday 30 September 2019

Things change way too fast

When things are not mainstream anymore. things were probably better back then and we wish we want that time back. I feel like social media is just a waste of time . Because I can not relate to other peoples achievements , In other words I am actually a looser. I feel more happier that I am far away from people who care too much. I feel more free as ever. But you know it's probably the same thing everyday. I want to do soo many things . Like organizing my trash, I feel like its very life changing. I am also staying away from friends. It is just because I have better things to do. I want to watch my seeds grow. I want to learn new things.Go offline stop caring about what others think . No more complaining just do . I am going to fill more things in life. I also want to keep recycling . Plant my own vegatables.

Anyway while people are being happy , You know . Does life become better, will i ever go back to college seems impossible. I need to move on . Because I have no choices. I dreamed I had too many long dreams, One time I painted the sea, I dreamed i drowned in my own painting. I no longer use instagram because I feel my privacy is long gone. I DO NOT want it anymore. I want to be free. I maybe a bad influence. But I have cried silently long enough , and my body craves attention and health. I do not need what others think. This is just same thing as playing dolls. I know people do not like it , But  I am much more happier alone.Music is ok . i actually have everything maybe I just have to leave forever. Because what if someone needs the things that they do not have . I feel non-existent

Why do people want to care too much anyway. Because as far as i know we do not need your opinion. I feel like i do not need soo much apps in my phone , Because phones are actually for emergency and receiving calls from family and the other important things.But Phones are actually garbage.I dont take pictures as much anymore , Because its not really important,Why do people even care what I am doing , Nosy people just really got to stay out of this.

Thursday 5 September 2019

why i hate my life

Everyone who is reading this . Everyone seems to hate me. Even I hate myself. Anyway the reason why I am making this is because I Do Not want to Vlog anymore. I noticed I keep attracting haters. I really do not like my family anymore. Why do they always tell me whats right. I think I actually lost my freedom. It's like I want to go far far far away from here. I find it hard to realise that everyone in my family is selfish. Why am I the one who is ignored. OMG
 someone joined me it is Benny!

People be like memes

More of making my life better
2.Milo drink
sweet Nona is here too

Sunday 13 January 2019


my room is a mess. more complaining nice. i wish i never met this person. i will tell who. But i guess you would already know. My life must be some lie. Maybe I should leave this life too. Non existent hmm.I wish things better, Keeps getting worse. But just stay cool and do not lit the fire. I do not like the word cool. But , you know how things are bit weird. I just have to keep being lazy in this mess. 
Maybe I should froget  FROG ET  

But i'm scared about future , because things would not be the same anymore, I feel like I would not be accepted by this . But the internet is not real anyway. It's just a projection of our reality. What if our real life is not even real. Born into this family. With all details. I know people do not think like me. But why do we wake up everyday. Death does not mean that , in reality we keep to continue. I  feel neglected by myself and made the bad choices. People are tired of my excuses anyway. I love failure. Now that I am no longer tidy person. My room has accomplished to a mess. Which is what i wanted in the first place. I am not stable. Why are rainbows sad , upside down smiles. But its just the same things I go through. My relationship will never last long anyway. I do not want to fall for it. But It never existed anyway. But of course I am lying. The truth is suppose to be private. Because we are imbaresed  idk how to spell 

Now that I think of it . I did not do anything. But Its just hard to say that . Nothing actually happend. Because Nothing is real. People only think its real because of majority people thinking the same way.
I also hate people swearing . I do not want to mix people with this. Some people are just not what i seem to like . Do you understand me ,. It's hard to say that I am not choosing the future.  But i did decide to do it. You wont understand me anyway. I do think majority of people will think the same.

Maybe he is hiding from me. Or just feels A N G E R Y  because i blocked him and does not wish to see me. But sometimes he feels like replying. I do not know anymore. I have not been through much relationships, Because I feel better alone. But now permanent markers just stay. Its like forever.
Maybe he does not like to be handled . I guess that is my bad. Jasper does not like being cat handled
I just want to ask you . But I guess you want to run away . I get it. If you leave that is ok tooo.

Im very stupid for making this decision and i hope things will burn away.   

Wednesday 7 November 2018

My antisocial life gap.

Wow people hanging out with each other. Pretending that they single. blergh. what a waste of time. I
think that people just do not care about me. I rather not be fake friends. I also hate twitter. THAT PLACE IS MOST ANNOYING.

Things I could never accomplished

      I wish i weighed less.                           I wish i finished college earlier.                                                   ...