Tuesday 25 January 2022

never sleeping at night anymore

Hi again welcome again if you are reading this...
I do not want to sleep at night anymore because i feel like there is an empty gap in mind
it is like there is something always missing . I am not lucky. But I do not know what to do anymore because I am crazy.

So anyway I still am lurking , dude life sucks but why do people keep being mean at me for no reason though. I forgot to change my profile picture . I think i will be posting more on my blogspot . I need to update my style. I relied alot on makeup lol. 😁. Hey anyway i think i want to loose more weight . People are so mean sometimes I really dont get why.Anyway people are being so rude to me . I really need to finish my intern book maybe i should do some coding too . I am so bored . I need to loose my weight you know i wonder if people still read my blogspot. 

Listen , I attracted alot of haters and I am starting to think that i need to express myself more with fashion . Work from seems weird though . I am scared if someone from college would read my blogspot , i want to keep this a secret with my friends. Maybe i could update on what im growing 🥬. I have been growing alot of stuff.

I CLOSE my eyes AND SEIZE IT ~ death grips

Things I could never accomplished

      I wish i weighed less.                           I wish i finished college earlier.                                                   ...