Sunday 28 October 2018

The cruel life of Bepis ....

Today pegaffy has made a choice . Yesh a berry wise choice! I have made a new Social Media Account. Feel's weird , but I must take risks. I know I am a noob Level 3 . But trust me all will be revealed. I know this isn't my first instagram. But my second. So hopefully someone who actually cares follow me. Because I'm not having a great time. I deleted my Insta back in late June. But Now on Halloween I decided to make a change, I've Isolated myself very much. But with hope from friends you can now decide to make me feel happier. I basically failed at SOCIALIZING. Soz this is very painful for me to see everyone happy. I did not get back the feedback that I needed. I HAVE SEEN HAPPY PEOPLE. but onece I seen its fake . I no longer rely on it. Ignorance hurts me the must since I need a little attention even if its 1 second of 3 sentences of yours!

Things I could never accomplished

      I wish i weighed less.                           I wish i finished college earlier.                                                   ...