Wednesday 7 November 2018

My antisocial life gap.

Wow people hanging out with each other. Pretending that they single. blergh. what a waste of time. I
think that people just do not care about me. I rather not be fake friends. I also hate twitter. THAT PLACE IS MOST ANNOYING.

Sunday 28 October 2018

The cruel life of Bepis ....

Today pegaffy has made a choice . Yesh a berry wise choice! I have made a new Social Media Account. Feel's weird , but I must take risks. I know I am a noob Level 3 . But trust me all will be revealed. I know this isn't my first instagram. But my second. So hopefully someone who actually cares follow me. Because I'm not having a great time. I deleted my Insta back in late June. But Now on Halloween I decided to make a change, I've Isolated myself very much. But with hope from friends you can now decide to make me feel happier. I basically failed at SOCIALIZING. Soz this is very painful for me to see everyone happy. I did not get back the feedback that I needed. I HAVE SEEN HAPPY PEOPLE. but onece I seen its fake . I no longer rely on it. Ignorance hurts me the must since I need a little attention even if its 1 second of 3 sentences of yours!

Sunday 9 September 2018

Goodbye Him

When I bought the strawberries it already bloomed a flower, but afterwards The strawberry grew . But I did not pick it . So it molded. Months went , and days of sorrow because I could not bring it with me. The tree died .The pathogen spread quickly but silently. My love was dying anyway,. I tried to water. And the crown rot. I did send him attention , kindness ,frogiveness. But he just ignores me . I do not feel the same way anymore. Ever since , he took all the sweetness . It is not his fault. The other tree grew Big Beautiful. The runners became more and more . But the wind hit my Strawberry tree breaking the stem. So I dug the strawberry plant . And removed all the runners. Leaving one stem to remain. I am quiet sad. My strawberry seeds wont grow. Because It is impatient love. Now that it is rotten . I nurse the plant. But pampering you is poison too. I do not understand why the start he liked me. I was very confused. But I fell in  love with instance , Which makes sense why . I do not understand why I am used. This time people are just going to love than throw me in the garbage. Where I belong is in the Landfill. The truth hurts but we have to go through it. What do I do now . Why does not, People get married , I understand . But I guess Its just not for me. Its just that the society pressure's me. Because Everyone at this age is getting married, But I do not want to be played. It is possible to completely froget someone . Because It is haunting me, What have I become
a monster. What did I do to you. Because everytime I want to aproach you just get away from me.

Everything does not last forever, I guess that It's just nothing. Everyone go's through this. I do not understand why. But the future is secret. If we know the secret now . Than it will be useless , and people will be more unbothered to know.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

I Hate myself

Ok I have been addicted to snapchat

I never used it soo much

But Now that people actually look at my stories.

I said  alot of nasty things to #caleb

I know but it is the only way to make him reply

I could not sleep very well last night

My room is a mess.

I still have not signed up for  college

Like if someone even cares

I do not think that he would want to even talk to me

But Now I know that I am nothing to him

Things I could never accomplished

      I wish i weighed less.                           I wish i finished college earlier.                                                   ...